Imagine a world where our actions align with the planet's capacity to regenerate resources. In today's reality, Earth's Overshoot Day creeps forward annually, underscoring our unsustainable resource consumption patterns.

<aside> ⚠️ The surge in material use, accompanied by pollution and waste, presents a clear and present danger to global economies and our environment's vitality.


For instance, food waste accounts for 6% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. That means if food waste were a country, it would be the third-highest polluter after the US and China.

Amidst this urgency, an inspiring wave of companies is forging a path toward a more sustainable future. Their mission? To maximize the potential of our existing resources. They're reimagining products, harnessing innovative technologies, and pioneering circular practices to curtail waste and supercharge resource efficiency.

Contributing to this issue is Latin America's extremely high rate of urbanization, where municipalities face a tremendous struggle to provide necessary services to rising city populations. This is causing an overflow of consumer waste in Latam compared to other regions around the world, which is why organizations are working towards better solutions to manage waste and reduce water use, especially with city populations on the rise.

Yet, unique challenges abound for startups navigating the landscape in Latin America. Regulations often pose formidable obstacles, slowing the adoption of circular strategies and advances in waste management. While some nations make strides by banning certain plastics, a comprehensive plan to replace them with environmentally friendly alternatives still needs to be met.

However, the solution extends beyond mere bans. It hinges on a collective commitment—from producers to consumers—to redefine behaviors and practices. Enter the 5 R's: Recovering, recycling, reusing, reducing, and regenerating, coupled with using eco-conscious materials.

<aside> 💡 “A 100% clean economy will transform everything from electricity generation, to transportation, to manufacturing.” -Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political Affairs


Content Overview

Main Challenges and Opportunities

Market Data

Circular Economy Sub-verticals